At an early age I was introduced to the wonders of travel, thanks to the native-costumed dolls my grandmother would bring back from her globe-trotting trips. As the youngest in the family, I was lucky enough to start going on trips early as well, and I was hooked. I started studying languages the second I could and have always loved learning about foreign cultures and seeing different places. My whole life I’ve made decisions that would be lead me in an international direction, from my studies to my previous jobs in international sales & marketing. I left those job to fulfill a dream of traveling the world (at least part of the way around it), and it was on that trip that I came to the realization that I really was good at planning travel! Once I realized that I have this knack, I knew it was time for me to branch out on my own and really start planning fantastic days for others.
Paris & Britain. (Or Egypt, India, Thailand, New Zealand, ect...)
Currently - Norway, Turkey, Patagonia, Tahiti.
Receptive Tour Operator - individual European travelers coming to the US/Canada
How travel planning is evolving & how the new sharing-economy will affect the industry
Education, education, education! Ok- History, Culture, and Nature.