I consider myself an ambassador of my home country, a career I subconsciously started long before my legal working age. It all started with collecting tons of promotional material as a kid and distributing it to foreign friends, acquaintances and ignorant passersby, or simply keeping it for my private collection.
This hobby later got me to partner with Slovenian Tourist Board, I am now distributing brochures and informing about Slovenia at international tourist fairs and am also organizing study trips around Slovenia for foreign media. Beside that I am a licensed tour guide for Slovenia and one of its main attractions, The Postojna Cave.
However, my passion for culture does not end in a country of the size of Connecticut, I am also a passionate traveler, world lover and linguist, with a degree in French and Czech languages and literature.
I am looking forward to meet more people of similar interests to share experience or possibly cooperate.
meeting new people from the same field of work