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Lee Friedman
Founder, Mango Tree Travel
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Member for 2 Years
Joined August 2022
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About me

Hi I am the founder of Mango Tree Travel, a family travel platform that helps parents find hotels the whole family will love.
Mango Tree came to life because I truly believe that traveling with our kids is one of the best things we can do for them – and for ourselves.

Many of us prioritized travel before we had kids but have fallen out of the habit as parents. I want to give parents a lifeline back to the way they traveled before – with the added comfort of knowing their kids will enjoy the journey too. I'm on a hunt for hotels with the Je Ne Sais Quoi that makes you sad to leave, but with the amenities families need for a successful vacation.

With search filters and hotel profiles designed just for parents, I'm here to make travel planning fun again. Right now, Mango Tree focuses solely on Caribbean family travel with recommended hotels, destination guides, and travel tips for the best tropical destinations around. In time, I know we'll have recommendations across the globe.


  • Hi Ian! Thanks for the support and the questions about Mango Tree -- so glad you like the platform. You asked about how the platform has been received by hotels: It's been great! In particular, it's been very well received by small, boutique hotels t... show more

    Profile picture

    Mango Tree Travel 2 years ago

  • Hi all! I launched Mango Tree Travel because I truly believe finding amazing hotels with kids should be easier, and I want to encourage parents to travel with their young kids. If you're looking for Caribbean travel inspiration, or family travel tips, I... show more

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    Mango Tree Travel 2 years ago
