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Lior Melloul
Member for 6 Years
Joined September 2018
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About me

Msc Graduate in European Tourism Management.

Currently learning German, and with a strong motivation to innovate. I am looking for opportunities in the sectors of Tourism, Business development, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Consultancy and E-commerce. I am a team-player with a strong multicultural and creative mindset. Always smiling, I am a goal-oriented person, let's get in touch!

Opened to new projects and work opportunities and strong believer in the power of tourism to build meaningful and long-lasting connections between peoples and cultures.

Why did you join the community?

I would like to join this community because I believe that we can learn so much more from other's experiences in tourism and in life.

What do you want to learn more about?

Implementing Sustainable tourism in a practical and efficient way.

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Travelling leads to a better understanding of cultures, and is a powerful tool to connect people and reduce conflicts.
