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M Bassam Adam
Member for 6 Years
Joined January 2019
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About me

Characterised by resilience, savvy, and brilliant intuition, the serial entrepreneur, established first online food delivery service in Maldives. The founder and CEO of, Kyboot Swiss flagship store and many more under Reinvent Maldives Pvt Ltd . Also a Founder of Back to Bike Cycling Movement, “ BikeMaldives “(Currently the Bicycle Association of Maldives ) . Over 15 years’ experienceworking collaboratively with business partners in all phases of business management, restructuring, and transformation..

Known for utilizing creativity, leadership, and teamwork to design and execute solutions that create customer value, Bassam started off in the Hospitality and Travel industry for a couple of years before he fully transitioned into business. Bassam is at ease interfacing at all levels and functions of a business alongside outstanding customer service.

Why did you join the community?

I am a Travel Consultant

What is your favorite travel destination?

Maldives, Dubai, Singapore, Bora Bora, Boracay, Palawan

What was your first travel job?

Ticketing & Reservations Cathay Pacific Airlines

