I am the owner and manager of a communications company based in South Africa, where I work with clients in the tourism industry. I am deeply passionate about tourism, traveling, and the opportunity to learn and connect with people from different cultures. Having visited several countries, I am always eager to add more destinations to my list. My goal is to help my clients in the tourism industry grow by fostering meaningful connections and creating impactful communications strategies.
To network and exchange ideas
Istanbul, Turkey
Every City in the World
A website
Tourism Marketing
It broadens horizon
Hi Matthew I placed an advert on the Horizon Guides website, I am not able to view it. Can you advice how it works, can I view it? I only placed it last week Tuesday. Thanks
Horizon Guides 5 months ago
Hey Marina I am based in South Africa and would like to connect with you and explore Synergies
Tukio 5 months ago