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Maria Haase
Writer & Photographer, SanDiegoExplorer & EuropeUpClose
⭐️ Community Leader 🔥 Top 9%
Member for 8 Years
Joined October 2016
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About me

Maria K. Haase is a travel, food & lifestyle writer sharing her love for the world and its different cultures on and As a serial expat for the past 15+ years, she has called three continents her home, traveled to almost 40 countries and eaten way too many sticks of mystery meats on the way. She wants to encourage others to discover the world through traveling, trying exotic recipes, craft beer and learning about other cultures.

Why did you join the community?

I would love to meet and connect with other travel professionals

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What do you want to learn more about?

Travel News, Travel Writing

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Explore. Dream. Discover.