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Marko Vujanović
Assistant to Director, Tourism organization of Cetinje
Member for 4 Years
Joined February 2021
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1 event
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About me

Since 2006. I have been employed in Tourism Organization of Cetinje.

From 2007.-2016. I have been employed on the position of Event Manager, which includes several activities:

- organization and monitoring of events
- organization of activities related to the promotion of the tourist offer of the city
- organization of printing promotional material
- organization and participation in tourism fairs
- Public relations (PR)
- Cooperation with NGOs and the public sector

Since 2016. - I have been employed on the position of Assistant to Director, whose activities, in addition to those already mentioned, include the following:

- Deputy Director of TO Cetinje
- Performs the most complex tasks in TO Cetinje
- Prepares and implements projects financed from domestic and international funds
- Responsible for the internet presentation of TO Cetinje
- Performs the duties of advisor to the director
- Preparation of internal and other acts of the organization

I graduated on the Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management in Kotor
I finished high school for Tourism in Budva
I speak 2 foreign languages (English and French)

Why did you join the community?

I want to be in contact with people from tourism and hotel industry, so as people from environmental protection in purpose of sharing a knowledge and experience

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?

Canary Islands

What was your first travel job?

Hotel, reception desk

What do you want to learn more about?

I want to learn more about innovation in tourism and hotel industry, especially digital marketing, sustainability tourism and environmental protection

Three words that describe why we should travel?

explore, enjoy, learn
