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Mihaela Lica Butler
Journalist, Argophilia Travel News
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Member for 7 Years
Joined September 2017
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About me

If you believe that "nothing happens unless first we dream," (Carl Sandburg) you understand what motivates everything I do, in life, and in business. Dreams - as in ideals - are fueling our lives every day. They make us human, they move and inspire us, and those around us. I believe in dreams, as much as I believe in the good in people, and I dedicate my life to bringing this good to light.

I've been an online public relations professional for over fifteen years. I started in December 2002, when things were easy. I have never stopped learning, and never will.

If you want a PR professional who knows what works, and who is not afraid to tell you what you are doing wrong, hire me. I am too busy to tell a lie - a good thing if you are serious about your business.

A former military journalist, today I own the Pamil Visions PR brand and Argophilia Travel News. My credentials speak for themselves: I am a cited authority on search engine optimization and public relations issues, and my work and expertise were featured on BBC News, Reuters, Yahoo! Small Business Adviser, Al Jazeera, The Epoch Times, SitePoint, Search Engine Journal, and many others. I currently write columns for Travel Daily News on regular basis, and I am a reporter for Hospitality Net.

Besides my work as a PR pro and travel journalist, I spend my time writing children's fairy tales and cookbooks. I am the author of "Vegan Romania," featuring 101 traditional Romanian fasting recipes, the only one of its kind in the world in English. Plus, you can always google "Your First Book of Travel Writing Prompts" for the only travel writing prompts book on the market. It features over 210 creative travel writing ideas for travel bloggers and travel authors, paired with actual titles by professional journalists.

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Building strong relationships with travel and hospitality professionals.

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What was your first travel job?

Public Relations