I have nearly 17 years' experience as a tour operator, guide, author, international speaker and trainer. Now I run TripSchool, a training organization focused on introducing guides and tour directors to the industry, offering continuing education opportunities for everyone, and helping tour operators think creatively about improving their experience design.
I'd like to deepen my connection with other travel professionals and collaborate and brainstorm new industry possibilities.
Anywhere new. But New Zealand was my first love.
Tour Guide in Paris
Industry trends and the needs of tour operators
transformation, empathy, connection
Hi all, I run Tourpreneur (tourpreneur.com), a global community of 16,000 tour operators. We're hosting a free workshop on Monday before ITB at 1pm, in collaboration with GetYourGuide, at their Headquarters. All are welcome -- RSVP here: https://lu.ma/f... show more
Hey Ian, they'll remain separate to help express the differences between the two communities and what their needs are. Plus different teams behind teach brand. But who knows... 3 months ago I'd say you were smoking something if I was going to be running... show more
Tourpreneur 2 years ago