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Nikolai Lazarev
Business Development Manager, Travelpayouts
🤘 Rockstar 🦄 Top 1%
Member for 5 Years
Joined January 2020
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About me

Online meetup, May 13th:

Hi everyone,

I'm Nick, 25, from Saint-Petersburg, Russia. At 16, after finishing high school, I left my home country and tried my luck in Canada where I had been invited by a Columbia International College, Hamilton, Ontario. Frankly speaking, I wanted to leave Canada as soon as possible - such factors like homesickness and getting together with a girl I had been running after for 4 years were dragging me back home like a magnet. Even though both of these factors were very distractive, I still managed to pass my exams with flying colors and graduate in one year.

After receiving my secondary school diploma I decided to move closer to Russia and enrolled to the University of Hertfordshire, England. This helped me to visit my hometown 3 times a year (UK unis have 3 holidays a year) and still be more or less a good student.

3 years later, I received my Bachelor's degree in Maths and at the very exact moment I became a graduate I couldn't imagine that 1 year later I would have been offered a place at one of the largest Russian IT companies. This is how I came back to Russia after I had been vagabonding abroad for more than 4 years.

Oh, by the way, I now work as a business development manager at, the largest travel affiliate network. But that's another story :)

Why did you join the community?

I work at Travelpayouts, a travel affiliate network, and would like to find out more about travel industry and build new connections.

What is your favorite travel destination?

Funny to say that but it's my hometown in Russia, Chelyabinsk, a big industrial

Where do you dream of traveling to?

New Zealand

What was your first travel job?

Maps.Me - I was trying to take this awesome offline maps application to a new level

What do you want to learn more about?

Travel bloggers - how their motivation (in terms of advertising terms) changes as they start growing

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Why shouldn't we?!
