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Oxana Serebrennikova
Founder and CEO, International Travel plus
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Joined 10 months ago
Member since April 2024
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About me

I run Travel plus, specializing in business travel and events since 2006. The company employs 130+ people in 5 cities in Kazakhstan. We help people to streamline and simplify the business of travel.
As a partner of global travel management company BCD travel in Kazakhstan since 2007, we provide service for international corporations using advanced technology and innovative products.
As a meeting management company, we do meeting management, incentive trips, event design, group air services, and attendee management.
Our online platform Hotel Plus consolidates 500+ hotels and transport companies in Central Asia with excellent rates and availability.
We have an inbound division that helps foreign customers organize business trips and events in Kazakhstan and Central Asia.

Why did you join the community?

Looking for new opprtunities


  • Hi there, I am excited to join the community and truly want to be part of this amazing group of professionals, who makes our industry better!
