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Silvia Avilés
Founder, Tourism Innovation Summit
⭐️ Premium Member 🔥 Top 29%
Member for 4 Years
Joined May 2020
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About me

Im a passionate about travelling, getting to know different cultures, experiencing new ways to see the world, to do, to live, to create, to move... I get inspired in any trip trying to get the most of it.

Now I am leading a travel and tourism event: Tourism Innovation Summit in Seville, Spain, which for me is work for an industry which I am more than amazed to contribute.

What is your favorite travel destination?

I get excited by any culture completely different than mine, so sometimes it is at the end of the world or an hour flight... Any place it has something to me to get to know.

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Japan and Perú.

What do you want to learn more about?

New trends on travel, insights on experiences, what's next on travel...

Three words that describe why we should travel?

We travel to change, not of place, but of ideas


  • Dear Hilary, It usually changes each year because our partners and sponsors of the Touristech Startup Fest are who decide which prize they offer to the winners. And we don't know yet what award they are going to give this year. You can check the reward... show more
