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Sil Silvestre
Member for 9 Years
Joined December 2015
Verified member
2 events
Kuala Lumpur
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About me

Sil is intense, impulsive and fun. For the most parts, he is a guy of wit. Determined to be successful, he made his life an experiment, testing is the name of the game. One of the biggest accomplishments he can definitely brag about is his transition from a relatively safe and high paying career to a competitive and volatile industry.

Sil enjoys culture, travel and food the most. He is all open eyes.

Why did you join the community?

I want to network with people from the industry, create partnerships that will create an impact to the society.

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?


What was your first travel job?

Marketing Manager

What do you want to learn more about?

Business Development

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Culture Creates Intelligence
