Done the obvious, now looking to take travel into new frontiers...
Founder of Hackney Tours and also a Tours By Locals guide for London (2012); educational tour guide of 13 years experience; led groups on four continents; guided running and even under water; one-time travel and fitness writer. Trainer during startup phase of Walking London 22 youth-run tours initiative. Et francophone, mes amis!
Passionate about engagement, discovery, appreciation and connection. Curious about how we reconcile climate change with a love of travel. Can we find the joy of travel on our own doorstep? How can travel help us to be better people in a fairer community?
Created London's first women's history running tour and now the first Alternative Statue Tour.
Where can we go together, to do good with travel & tourism?
Get inspiration, meet interesting people and make useful connections!
Now? Where I live. I change my head, not my geography!
Back to the sea.
Dive Master on the Great Barrier Reef
Everything! Specifically how travel might make a better world.
Learning Appreciating Connecting