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Snezana Vejnovic
CEO, Talas Montenegro DMC
Member for 4 Years
Joined February 2021
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About me

I was born on August 22, 1972. in Cetinje. I finished primary and secondary school in Budva. Bachelor’s degree I earned at the Faculty of Economics, University of Montenegro in Podgorica.
After graduating, I took a position at the Municipality of Budva in the Secretariat for Economy and Finance. From this position I moved to TV Budva, where as a marketing manager I laid the foundations of marketing at this TV station. This was followed by employment in the company Splendid hotels group, at the position of head of finance and then head of sales and marketing of hotel Splendid in Becici.
From 2001, I’m the executive director of Travel agency Talas-M d.o.o., which was founded as a main Sales support for Splendid hotel. Soon the agency started growing and began operating independently of the hotel.
At 2005, after change in the ownership structure, I have become a co-owner of the agency and made a decision to specialize and develop Talas Montenegro DMC in the area of congress tourism.
From 2017. I become the sole proprietor of the company.
I am proud to point out that Talas Montenegro DMC is member of prestigious professional associations : SITE Global, MPI, Ovation Global DMC, EUROMIC.
As an individual and a director of a successful company, I am aware of the importance of socially responsible work. The company I run, supports athletes, artists, healthcare institutions, through various forms of sponsorship. With special pleasure we take care of the youngest citizens, with donor projects that we organize in cooperation with their educational institutions.

