I am Polish. I was studying tourism first at Academy of Physical Education in Poznan, Poland and second at FIT - now Victoria University in Melbourne, Australia. In the end of seventies I visited all Eastern European countries. In 1981 one semester before finishing my study in Poland I took a sabbatical and a trip around the world. On the way I stoped in Melbourne for one year. I visited nearly all parts of Australia. Now I am living in Warsaw. In nineties I was opening Polish National Tourist Office in Stockholm for Scandinavia and Finland and was managing it for four years. The flow of Scandinavian and Finish tourists to Poland was increased considerably. Now I think/plan to do same from Chicago, USA. I like to apply for this position soon but I think it will be much more harder to win then it was about 30 years ago. Already I visited all continents and some islands in Pacific - Hawaii, Fiji, New Zealand and nearly all archipelagos in the French Polynesia. Concerning Asia I visited Siberia in Russia, Japan, Philippines , Malezja, Indonesia, Singapur, Thailand . Concerning Africa I visited South Africa, Namibia, Zambia, Zimbabwe and The Victoria Lake and Falls. I like to travel and meet over trackers/ traveler and exchange information, experience. Lets meet at Travel Fair in Berlin in 2025 and exchange our past and future plans/dreams or maybe next year in Poland at Warsaw Travel Fair. See you soon. Staszek
I would like to exchange wiew and ideas, meet others with similar interests, hobbies, experiences and plans. I like to learn.
That it looks as a right and good an occasion to meet. I will be my first meeting with the Group.