Hello, let me introduce myself, the names Emmanuel (Eman for short).
I joined this space to discuss how to become a travel writer as a complete beginner with little writing experience?
I just want to dip my feet in the water so to say but I don't know where to start, I am passionate about traveling, I've lived in Ohio for most of my life and recently moved to Massachusetts, it was my first time living away from home and it changed my life, right now I just want to do more of that and be able to make a living traveling full time, is this possible or just a dream?
Looking forward to your tips.
Let me know!
Morning everyone!
Wondering if anyone going to attend TT Warsaw this year?
Would love to meet and create connections.
P.S. Its our first time attending such an event
Yes, I am from Finland and will attend Thursday noon and Friday. It would be nice to meet :)
hey Mo! thanks for the reply, wrote you a DM. Cheers!
I might go. I'm considering it. I will let you know if I do.
Hey Thierry, got you, do let me know, thanks!
Looks interesting, maybe next year.