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Tim Henshall
Kamageo - Africa Destination Marketing
Member for 6 Years
Joined August 2018
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About me

Tim describes himself as a serial safari-er having first visited Africa over 20 years ago and has returned 60+ times since. Tim (along with wife, Mandy) has visited 99 countries and territories around the globe, often in search of wildlife - from anacondas in Venezuela to tigers in India.

Tim is a lifelong marketer, with over 30 years experience. He has held senior marketing roles at a number of international brands in various categories (from sports to jeanswear), as well as leading roles within marketing and advertising agencies. He has been fortunate enough to win industry awards for creativity, marketing strategy and effectiveness.

Former Regional Chairman of the Chartered Institute of Marketing
Former Director of Africa Travel & Tourism Association (Atta) from 2010 to 2015.
Former SATOA Board Member (Selling Africa to Tour Operators & Agents)
Fellow of Incorporated Practitioners of Advertising (IPA) since 2001
Marketing awards include D&AD, Cannes Lions, BTA Awards, Creative Circle, Cream, Roses and CIM Effectiveness
Since 2006 he has increased visitor numbers to various Africa destinations, through his work at Kamageo.

Why did you join the community?

I want to network with other travel professionals

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?

Sierra Leone, Sudan, Senegal, Mauritius

What was your first travel job?

This one

What do you want to learn more about?

West Africa

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Experience, Sharing, understanding

