I am the Co-Founder and Chief Travel Officer of Jetzy, a real time, user-to-user, social travel app launched in June 2015. Personally, I have been in the travel publishing industry for 20+ years as EIC or Editorial Director of such magazines as ISLANDS magazine, and many others. I have traveled to 108 countries, am an expert commentator on the Travel Channel, and host of travel TV show, Another Shade of Blue with Ty Sawyer. I have won numerous awards for as an editor, travel writer and travel photographer.
Also, I am an EVP for Wayne's World Media Group.
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Where ever I find myself now
I want to see the tigers in india before they disappear
Freelance writer and photographer
The travel industry. Trends. New media.
Perspective. Gratitude. Inspiration.
Hey Hal! Yes, Sport Diver was a few iterations ago. Though still love the sport. And for blogs, the more immersive the better. I think so much of what gets written today is shallow and derivative, as are the photos and photo styles. But, like I said, th... show more
Does travel blogging have a future? 2 years ago
I think the better question is does Travel Writing and Travel Content have a future, and what does that look like? The one adage about the world of any business that remains true is: change or die. I spent the first half of my career in travel publishin... show more
Does travel blogging have a future? 2 years ago