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Tsiraiky Rossizela
Founder / CEO, Miremby
Member for 1 Year
Joined February 2024
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About me

I developed the concept of Miremby in 2014. Since then I have expanded my knowledge and skills as a regionally certified guide, curating a unique relationship with local people in each destination we offer. I grew up in a small and remote village in the east coast of Madagascar until the age of ten, where I herded zebu and immersed myself in the local wildlife. Later I was educated in Fort Dauphin and Antananarivo and have travelled extensively throughout the island. While guiding I also worked as a Malagasy-English translator for NGOs in Fort Dauphin and a scientific field researcher in Sainte Luce. I introduced volunteers to the delicate ecosystems of the littoral forests and studied the unique palms, fruit bats (flying foxes) and lemurs of the region. Miremby draws on these strengths, bringing a depth of understanding about wildlife and plants that few other tours can deliver.