I'm a Colombian born living in Europe half of my life. Travel passionate and entrepreneur.
Long time ago I decided I wanted to live my life on my own terms and started a race against time to make it happen. It has been more than 7 years from the moment I achieved it and nowadays I run two travel blogs and two companies.
Unpocodesur.com focuses on adventure and travel and is the main project of me and my partner.
nomadadigital.org is aimed to Spanish speaking digital nomads like me, it's important to have a community you can relate with since our struggles are not always the same.
Hispanictravelbloggers.com gives consultancy creates campaigns and affiliate programs for tourism companies.
Comando-t.com is my main project, a digital marketing agency specialized in technical SEO and SEM, we helped great grands such as Skyscanner, Estrella Damn, Cardamomo, Domicilios.com Startup Insitute and more
Being a travel blogger, an online marketer and in general, passionate about travelling. Travel Massive it's the perfect community to be part of.
Just networking in general, travelling full time makes it hard to connect with people