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Vanessa Boz
private travel designer | travel writer | non-profit advisor, BozAround Private Travel
Member for 10 Years
Joined January 2015
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About me
BozAround Private Travel

I've had many lives and enjoyed each of them to the fullest but my current thrill is designing beautiful itineraries for curious families, keen to to travel in a sustainable way.

I've worked on a trading floor in Wall Street pre-Sept 11.
I've assisted fashion designers in developing their businesses.
I was even a flight attendant while studying in Paris and that's when I caught the travel bug.

I have attended university in four cities: Paris, Madrid, Boston and Sao Paulo and got an M.A in Economics and Finance, and an MBA in Luxury Brand Management along the way. I can now converse in French, English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese.

We went with my husband and children on a 6-months trip around the world; it was the adventure of a lifetime.

I am a published travel writer online and in print. And I have been blogging all along on BozAround where I share some travel notes and inspiration for the modern families.

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?

anywhere. everywhere.

What was your first travel job?

flight attendant with Air France while I was a student in Paris

What do you want to learn more about?

the whole wide world

