👋 We’re looking for new chapter leaders in Manila

If you’d like to take over this chapter and arrange in-person meetups to connect travel professionals and content creators (e.g. casual drinks, sightseeing, etc), see our event guide and let us know why you’d make a great leader for this group.

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Manila Travel Massive A travel community in Manila

6 Comments Badges

Manila is the capital of the booming economy of the Philippines. It's a secret waiting to be discovered by the world travellers. The travel industry is exploding with more Filipinos traveling domestically and exploring new continents, and more tourists discovering the pearl of the pacific. It is exciting time to travel to Manila which is the social media capital of the world and the center of social travel.

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Founder, Travel Massive

We’re looking for new chapter leaders in Manila.

First, a big thanks to @antondiaz for being a caretaker of this chapter over the past few years. This group still stands at over 100 members and collectively reaches more than 5 million consumers on web and social media channels.

👋 This is a callout for a members of Manila Travel Massive who would like to take over this chapter and resume in-person meetups. Meetups can be anything from casual drinks, to coffee meetups, or sightseeing tours. Everything can be done via the Travel Massive events platform — it's simple to list your event and announce it.

All that is required is your organisational (pick a place and time) and communication skills (notify the group, promote it) to get this chapter happening again.

Travel Massive is 100 per cent independent and member supported around the world, and remains the only open community that connects the tourism industry globally.

👉 If you're interested in getting involved (it's a volunteer position, but you get all the credit), please email me at ian@travelmassive.com and introduce yourself.

I look forward to hearing from you, and thanks for being a part of our community.

Learn more about hosting events at: www.travelmassive.com/pages/event-guide

Pinned Announced 1 year ago
Founder, Travel Massive

Hi Anton, what's the latest travel news from Manila and the Philippines?

2 years ago
Founder, Our Awesome Planet

Manila is now fully open for tourist and no need for testing as long as you are vaccinated with a booster.

Just finished traveling to Spain, and back to Manila and everything is good. You still need to wear mask in the plane and airport, but no more face sheild!

6 days later
Founder, Filipino World Travelers

It's great to see a Manila Travel Massive community. The Filipino World Travelers Manila branch looks forward to having a joint meet-up at some point.

8 months ago
Founder, Travel Massive

Hey Dondon, let us know when you host a meetup in Manila and we can share it here. This group has not been active for quite some tie, but I'm sure there's some people who would be interested!

31 minutes later
Founder, Filipino World Travelers

I am excited for the upcoming Manila Travel Massive meet-up with the Filipino world travelers on 22nd September 2024 (Sun) starts at 5pm.

Check out the details here: www.travelmassive.com/events/manila-travel-massive-meet-up-with-filipino-world-travelers-2164191985

Announced 5 months ago


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Manila Travel Massive

2 reviews

Manila Travel Massive is led by Anton Diaz and posted in Community , Travel Massive , Meetup Group , Manila , Philippines . Updated on Sep 7, 2023 (1 year ago). Manila Travel Massive is rated 5/5 ★ by 2 members.
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