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São Paulo Travel Massive A travel community in São Paulo

3 Comments Badges

São Paulo é a maior cidade da América do Sul, e o centro financeiro, cultural e gastronômico do Brasil. São Paulo concentra alguns do mais talentosos profissionais de turismo do mundo: chefes de cozinha renomados, companhias de turismo e startups inovadoras tanto turismo quanto de tecnologia.

São Paulo is South America's largest city, and Brazil's business, cultural and gastronomic center. Because of this, we have some of the country's most talented travel professionals from world chefs to tour companies and innovative startups in travel and technology.

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Founder, Travel Massive

Hey folks, I'm curious how are things in São Paulo and Brazil these days?

2 years ago
Founder, Vaitour

Hey! COVID numbers are super low and masks are not required anymore - unless in public transport if I'm not wrong.

Tourism is improving and we are seeing more people traveling, even though we are facing with about 14% inflation in the last 12 months. Most likely agencies will need to adjust the prices to move forward, but I think it's all good so far.

3 months later

Ola pessoal, aqui é o Roberto Jeolas, convido a todos a participar do grupo Travel&Turistech no whatsapp.
chat.whatsapp.com/KtMG3S6H4G2CPSUQk8z7gr. O grupo destina se ao ecossistema da inovação tecnológica aplicado ao turismo. Análises, papers, tendencias e muito mais... Sejam bem vindos !!!!

1 year ago


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São Paulo Travel Massive

1 review

São Paulo Travel Massive is led by TM Chapters and posted in Community , Travel Massive , Meetup Group , Sao Paulo , Brazil . Updated on Nov 29, 2024 (2 months ago). São Paulo Travel Massive is rated 5/5 ★ by 1 member.
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