B2B Tourism Marketing Strategist with interests in travel startups, organic growth marketing, social impact.
🚀 Content Club coordinator at Stay22
🎓 PhD, Tourism Economics. Freelancer in B2B Content Marketing, LinkedIn Marketing, Project Management, Event Marketing in Tourism
🧳 Previous Experience:
• Program Coordinator at the Social Tourism Competition (www.socialtourismcompetition.com)
• Content Manager at Travel Massive
• Content Marketing at RaizUp
🏂 Snowboarding, Mountain Biking, Surfing, Skating
📍 From Bulgaria – Works Globally 10+ years
Connect with me on LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/maria-stoyanova-ph-d-681a7174/
The community has been an eye-opener of what the travel industry can be all about – open, collaborative, sharing, and caring about the future of travel. I've attended several Travel Massive events in Europe before joining the team 5 years ago. I've met incredible professionals, worked on amazing tourism projects, and have been able to learn every step of the way.
A nice mountain where I can snowboard and a nice beach where I can surf. I've recently really enjoyed Greece for its hospitality, great food, quality life, and adventure and outdoor sports opportunities.
Will spend 2-3 months in Japan in winter 2024 - snowboarding and exploring.
Marketing Assistant for a Travel Marketing Agency
Travel Trends, Innovations, Startups, Sustainable Projects
Explore, learn, grow
This is really fun! I've added my places on the map – looks like I've been to 32 places. It's hard to count the US when I only visited NYC for 1 week :D But it's understandable. I couldn't find the easter eggs :/ 🐣
Although not specifically travel-related, I use sports apps when I travel – Komoot for finding hiking trails, Strava for tracking all my outdoor adventures, recently I'm using Slopes for tracking my snowboarding activity (almost daily in winter). I ha... show more
It's been really interesting and motivating to be part of this journey!
Just signed up for this newsletter and saw the previous edition – so I wanted to say nice work 🙌 Saw a few really good resources and updates inside!
Have you checked https://www.extraordinarytravelfest.com/ and https://nomadmania.com? Might be a good place to connect well-travelled people.