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Miriro Matema
Independent B2B Travel Writer | Travel Intelligence Media, Gallivant Africa
⭐️ Community Leader
Member for 5 Years
Joined March 2019
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22 events
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About me

Minimum Effort. Maximum Results. Panel beaten by #failure & pickled in coffee.
Travel Journalist | Marketing Consultant | B2B Writer

Why did you join the community?

Network with the great minds in the community. Innovate and actively grow the travel industry

What is your favorite travel destination?

Praslin, Seychelles

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Every African country

What was your first travel job?


What do you want to learn more about?

Subsets within the travel industry e.g. technology, destination marketing, innovations in MICE in developing countries

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Discover. Appreciate. Protect


  • It's DAY ONE of WTMA!!!! Whoop Whoop!! How is it for you so far? Lessons learned? Have you seen any exhibitions worth raving about? Let's keep the rest of the community up to date!

  • Hello everyone! WTM Africa in Cape Town is a month away (3-5 April). Are you attending? Are you exhibiting? Are you going to be a fly on the wall and see how it all goes? Would anyone be keen to meet up with TM Cape Town during the event? Would love t... show more

  • Hello Everyone, Here's an overview of our first hangout for 2023. Our Travel Massive Joburg Chapter has three core focuses in 2023: 1. To accelerate your capabilities in the network. What would you like to learn that will improve the work you do or y... show more

  • 🌍 Johannesburg, South Africa 🛩 12 flights 🚞 0 trains 📍Rwanda, Nigeria, Ghana, Zimbabwe (domestic - Cape Town a couple of times) 🏂 Learnt how to make "Jollof" in Ghana, learnt how to use Active Campaigns to automate comms to audiences. And relaunched our... show more

  • Helloooooo!!! Just got back to Johannesburg from the beautiful Cape Town city. From the beach to the concrete jungle...! Heart sore! Anyway...! Fun fact, Johannesburg is known as the "City of Gold" or "Egoli" due to the gold rush many years ago. What's ... show more
