· 1 month ago

Best way to step into the B2B travel segment for our tours?

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Co-Founder, Napenda Adventures Ltd

Beyond attending Travel & Trade Shows, which can be expensive, what methods have worked best for you to step into or grow your B2B travel segments?

We are primarily D2C but are exploring the B2B segment for our tours. We are based out of Tanzania so travelling far and wide to attend events adds up quickly from a cost perspective.

Looking for advice and experiences you have had in the B2B space.

1 month ago (edited)
Travel Designer | CEO & General Manager, Exclusive Italy

Hi Khuzeima, good question! I'd like to know what the Travel Massive community will contribute to this question.

3 days later

Hi Khuzeima, I have quite a bit of experience working with DMCs and as a buyer, so hope I can offer some suggestions here!

There may be more local trade shows that you could attend instead of the big hitters which are more expensive. For example ATTA www.adventuretravel.biz often run regional events, or of course there's shows like Indaba. Trade shows are very useful but it's worth picking wisely. There are also some online trade shows such as Our Africa ourafrica.travel.

Similarly, you could consider different trade associations, again, like ATTA - or the African ATTA atta.travel. Or even if you have a sustainability certification like Travelife. As a buyer I would look to those platforms to source new partners.

Finally, depending on the market you're looking to target, there are DMC representation companies such as The Adventure Connection in the UK or TogeZer in France.

Hope that helps - good luck!

27 days ago
Co-Founder, Napenda Adventures Ltd

Hi Emily,

Thanks ever so much, very helpful!

Our ATTA membership should happen soon and we're already a part of TATO so hoping that helps. Unfortunately, in our experience the local events haven't generated the kind of interest we expected - partly cause it's usually local or regional buyers but I get what you mean. Unfortunately it looks like I just missed OurAfrica.travel - looks very interesting - thank you!

I haven't looked at Travel Life but we do currently work with Carbon Tanzania to compensate for our carbon foot print. Travel Life seems to take that many steps further... thank you for pointing us to this!

Thanks for the ideas again!

4 hours later
Co-founder, SPUN

One of the most effective ways for us was to double down on SEO & experiment on IG ads.

We created dedicated landing page for B2B (you can see here business.spun.global/en) that landed organic traffic & demands from SEO, then amplify on the contents through our socials (LinkedIn/IG in our case), and targeting message for B2B segments through IG ads experiments.

Offline events do work as well for us, but as you mentioned that it could be the constraints in your case, online is probably a more efficient way to go.

13 days ago
Co-Founder, Napenda Adventures Ltd

Thanks Dilla, appreciate the response and insight.

9 hours later
ceo, Slow Travel Italia

I find companies see us on OTA and contact us outside via the website. We have created offerings but we haven't find a marketplace for B2B. maybe a good idea to look for one.

12 days ago
Co-Founder, Napenda Adventures Ltd

Thank you Carlo, we're also building a dedicated offering, landing page and a new agent zone for partners but we find it challenging to attract the right leads and partnerships through online channels at the moment.

2 hours later


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Best way to step into the B2B travel segment for our tours?

1 review

Best way to step into the B2B travel segment for our tours? was posted by Khuzeima Zavery in Discussion , Marketing , Tour Company , Tanzania . Featured on Feb 16, 2025 (1 month ago). Best way to step into the B2B travel segment for our tours? is rated 5/5 ★ by 1 member.