MagicTrips simplifies travel planning by allowing you to generate personalized travel itineraries in seconds — no account necessary.
Simply enter a desired destination, trip duration, and custom preferences, such as budget and desired activities, and MagicTrips will create a detailed itinerary with daily recommendations for things to do, sights to see, places to eat or drink, and more!
Hi Travel Massive community! 👋 I’m Alec Kretch, the creator of
My love for travel started when my parents signed me up for a school trip to Nicaragua in high school. As a timid kid that had never left the country or traveled without my family, I was terrified at first. But that trip sparked a lifelong passion for exploring new places. Since then, I’ve become the go-to person in my friend group for planning trips, which, combined with the exciting advances in AI, inspired me to create MagicTrips.
With MagicTrips, I wanted to make trip planning easy, fun, and accessible for everyone — no accounts, no paywalls, just personalized itineraries in seconds. Whether you're planning a quick weekend getaway or a month-long adventure, MagicTrips helps you discover the best things to do, see, eat, and drink.
I'd love to hear your feedback! What features would you like to see? What can we improve? Your input will help shape the future of MagicTrips.
Check it out at and let me know your thoughts!
Pretty cool. Would be great if it linked through to an agent to book or answer questions.
What are your plans to grow and monetize?
Thanks for checking it out, Neil!
In terms of monetization, it's currently all affiliate marketing: Itineraries include some affiliate links, ads, and accommodation search widgets.
Going forward, I could envision partnering with travel agents or specific travel companies. For instance, if someone generates an itinerary for a Tanzania trip and we're partnered with a safari vendor, making that recommendation. (If any companies on Travel Massive are interested in exploring a partnership, shoot me a message!)
Additionally, I could envision eventually building in premium features, such as the ability for users to easily modify or generate changes for their itineraries.
Hi Alec, thanks for sharing MagicTrips with the Travel Massive community!
It's a nice no-fuss implementation that's easy to use. Perhaps you could expose the filters below the search field when the user starts to type, or prompt them when they click the search button. Also, the search button could have a label, or be a bit wider so people don't miss it.
I've seen quite a few similar AI itinerary generators over the past months (we've featured quite a few), so it feels that this is a crowded space right now. Have you considered making the generated itinerary into a podcast or a short video (e.g with pictures and narration)? Perhaps this could be a premium service that people might pay for, and would differentiate your product.
I also like Neil's idea of connecting the user with a travel agent. I think we're some time away yet until AI can book all the pieces of a bespoke itinerary for you (especially in emerging markets). So connecting the user with humans (and the right one) is something of value.
Hope you find this feedback helpful!
Thanks for checking it out, Ian, and for building an awesome travel community!
I appreciate all of the feedback. In response:
- Exposing custom filters: Not a bad idea. For now, I really wanted to make something that is so simple for people to use, where really, the only requirement is entering a destination. I'd rather keep things as simple as possible to not overwhelm people with options, but I'll track to see how many people take advantage of the custom filters.
- Crowded space: Sure, no disagreements here. To me, trip planning is such an obvious area for AI to help with that of course there will be others in the space. However, in my preliminary research, I could not find another tool that I felt was intuitive, user-friendly, personalized, and did not require an account to use. My best alternative had been ChatGPT, but even with ChatGPT, knowing the right prompts and having the right data sources can be a huge challenge. MagicTrips aims to simplify that into a clean interface.
- Generated podcasts / videos: No, to be honest, I had not thought of this. I consider the current version of MagicTrips to be v.1, and we'll see how it evolves from here. I appreciate the ideas!
- Premium features / differentiators: I agree that AI trip planners have been popping up left and right lately. For now, I want the differentiator for MagicTrips to be just how simple it is to use -- and hopefully, generating relevant itineraries that can stack up against any other AI trip planner. In the future, I can certainly imagine building in more premium features to make the offering more unique.
- Travel agents / other partners: I would love to pursue this idea. Currently, our data sources are restricted to Viator and OpenAI, but if anyone in the community is a travel agent or has unique local offerings, I'd love to explore partnerships! Shoot me a message here or email <>!