· 10 months ago

Deets Create, monetize and share personalized guides and trips

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Deets is a platform which empowers travel experts to organize, monetize, and share their travel recommendations.
Our simple tools, guides and trips, enhance each influencer's ability to inspire future travelers.
Thanks to our unique on-platform booking experience, affiliate attribution will no longer be a problem.

Our cofounders are Nicolas Chereque (@nico) and Paul English (@paul) (who co-founded Kayak.com), and we're working to build the next great social travel website.

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CEO, Deets.com

Hello everyone!

My name is Nico Chereque, I am the co-founder of Deets alongside Paul English (Kayak.com).

We are creating Deets (deets.com) to empower influencers and creators with tools to monetize their travel recommendations. Guides and Trips can be created to any city in the world, including hotels, restaurants and activities, for now.

🤩 On Deets you can create beautiful travel guides to share with friends and followers.

Create a guide — Share a list of your favorite hotels, restaurants, and activities in any city.
Plan a trip — Generate a trip to plan out your flights, hotel, and things to do each day.
Browse guides — Explore hotel, restaurant, and activity recommendations by city.

We just released our on-platform booking for hotels which means attribution is no longer an issue. Whether users book within 1 or 30 days, the expert will get their revenues. To start, we are giving away 100% of the commission to the influencer!

👉 Learn more about becoming an expert at info.deets.com/experts

In the coming weeks, we will be releasing enhancements to our guides and trips such as collaboration, social following and more. Also, we have a surprise for all the pet owners who wish to bring their best friends with them!

We'd love to connect with Travel Massive members who would like to test our product and get involved as experts.

We also encourage you to register and create guides for your beloved cities which you can then share with friends and family.

📍 Here are all my guides - deets.com/nico

Whether you're coming to San Diego, going to Paris or the BVI's, my guides will help a ton!

Thank you for taking a look!

10 months ago (edited)

Sounds interesting, will take a look.

Will be interesting from a content creator perspective.

1 day later
Director, Melanin Travels Magic Ltd

Currently trying it out love the interface

10 months ago
Host/Culture Guide, Freelancer

My cousin recommended that I have a peek. I must commend the seamless interface, clear images, and succinct portrayals created by the guides. So reassuring

10 months ago
Head Chef, Travelfish Pty Ltd

Hi, I'm working on a story on AI trip planners and will include Deets in the piece. While I’m primarily interested in the AI “trip planning” aspect of the various tools, I saw Deets also offers the opportunity to populate own trip from scratch, but the tool would only let me list POIs that were on the OTAs (GYG, Booking etc) or via a Google search that Deets looks to populate many of the options in the AI side of things—is this by design? If so, I’m wondering what the thinking is behind this, as it seems would be a significant limitation on its use for this sort of thing. Thanks

10 months ago (edited)
CEO, Deets.com

Thank you Stuart! I appreciate the question and look forward to reading your piece. We are in the process of adding an option that will allow a user to add a custom entry, which will allow a user to add any item to their itinerary.

14 hours later
Head Chef, Travelfish Pty Ltd

OK thanks, I think that would be a useful addition. I published my piece last night—I didn’t end up referencing Deets as you’re clearly still in the very early stages, but some of the points I made may be worth consideration for your development road map—especially the detailed look at the errors/issues in the PDF I link to from the story. Cheers & good luck. Story is here: www.travelfish.org/couchfish/news/couchfish-ai-trip-planning

2 days later (edited)
YouTube | DMC, African Travel Crew

Looks awesome.

10 months ago
Founder, CityHook

Love what I've seen so far Nico. Well done on the product.
Will the expert guides be used for training the AI-generated guides?
I think if the experts were on board this would be quite powerful - either way it would be great to hear your take on this.

10 months ago
CEO, Deets.com

Thank you Kevin for the nice feedback! Incorporating expert guides into AI training is our plan to enhance product quality. Leveraging domain specialists' knowledge will provide more accurate recommendations, improving user engagement and satisfaction. This approach will elevate our product far beyond generic recommendations.

4 hours later
Editor & Journalist, Secrets of Paris

Will the experts be compensated for this training material that will "elevate" your product? It's nice to be offered a small percentage of a commission *if* someone books a hotel they recommended on one of their guides, but it seems like most of the value will be accumulated by Deets, not the expert contributors who are out there making sure their guides are up to date (and not simply generic content regurgitated from guides written 20 years ago ;-) ).

3 days later
Managing Partner, Experience Media Studios.

Hi Nico - This looks like a really great start . Well done -I was mentioning to Terry Jones about 6 months ago that no one had captured just the right approach to "influencer travel booking". Hoping you are creating some tools to imbed the booking into some video editing/creation tools - to allow instant gratification/booking , which I think is key to success, especially yo highlight hotel amentities and vibe and also for activities. I work on a lot of video creation for activity brands who work with influencers and drivingh to book is still really hard. Good Luck!

10 months ago
CEO, Deets.com

Thank you Kevin for the feedback!

12 days later
Editor & Journalist, Secrets of Paris

I thought this might be an interesting platform to earn extra income as a content creator, but then I read Deets' Terms:

"User content: In these terms and conditions, “your user content” means material (including without limitation text, images, audio material, video material and audio-visual material) that you submit to this domain, for whatever purpose.
You grant to deets.com a worldwide, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, adapt, publish, translate and distribute your user content in any existing or future media. You also grant to deets.com the right to sub-license these rights, and the right to bring an action for infringement of these rights."

I'd never agree to this (especially when the only payment would be *if* someone books their hotel after reading my content). :-(

10 months ago
Growth Marketing Lead, Airbnb


10 months ago
CEO + Travel Advisor, Jordan Executive Travel

Sounds interesting.

9 months ago


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3 reviews

Deets was posted by Nico Chereque, Paul English in Website , Startup , Travel Tech , AI , Planning , Booking . Featured on Apr 11, 2024 (10 months ago). Deets is rated 3.3/5 ★ by 3 members.