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Engin Kaban
Community builder / Travel expert / Startup founder, Hello Experto
⭐️ Premium Member
Member for 10 Years
Joined February 2015
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18 events
Barcelona / Izmir / Tallinn
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About me

🤙 I contribute in sustainable travel, making travel knowledge accessible for everyone
🤙 I help fellow travel experts earn money, travelers have authentic experiences
🤙 I share my entrepreneurial journey and travel stories via conferences and interviews

🤹 I am inviting experts of destinations or travel themes
🤹 I am looking for new team members
🤹 I am searching for appropriate accelerator in the Baltics

🚀 Founder of travel tech startup in early stage
🚀 Completed 6-month incubation program in Barcelona
🚀 Current focus: growing the user base

💡 Founder & Travel Expert in
💡 Freelance Travel Writer & Blogger in
💡 Co-founder & Chief Traveling Officer in

📗 In a former life, worked as an engineer; had innovation studies background
📗 Travel writing, blogging, web design, editing, community management, content marketing experience
📗 Fluent in English, Spanish. Native in Turkish

💼 e-resident of Estonia
💼 EU Company registered
💼 Barcelona / Izmir / Tallinn based

🌎 Studied, worked in Sweden, Chile, Turkey, Spain. Knowhow of working culture & top contacts
🌎 19 years of travel experience (60+ countries, 4 continents)
🌎 11 years of remote work as digital nomad

😎 Have a clue about: Entrepreneurship, Lean Startup, Sustainability, Marketplace Platforms, Sharing Economy, Innovation, Brand Strategy, Growth Hacking, Tech Conferences, Tourism Trends, Photography
🤔 Interested in: Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, AR / VR, Videography, Ecology
😃 Passionate about: Local Food, Backpacking, Swimming, Scuba Diving, Camping, Biking, Festivals


👋 Say hello! 👋


👬 My startup Hello Experto is one of the finalists in Social Entrepreneurship in Tourism Competition. 👬

🔴 🔴

⁉️ Check out the presentation and video and leave your questions and feedback in the comments. ⁉️


⚡️ Hello Experto is a global community of Travelers and Travel Experts for Sharing Travel Knowledge.


⚡️ Travel planning: Easy, Quick, Social.

⚡️ It helps:
- Travelers learn from experience, save time in planning, enjoy better travel.
- Travel Experts earn money with knowledge where they want when they want.

⚡️ It is the first and unique marketplace in the world dedicated to:
Tailor-made Travel Consultancy through Video Calls by Unbiased Humans.

⚡️ Learn from experience, Earn from experience.

⚡️ Can’t Travel these days? Talk Travel with fellow travelers. For Free!




✈️ Articles, Photos published in Magazines, Newspapers, Websites
✈️ Interviews on TV, Radio, Digital & Printed Media
✈️ Public Speaks, Presentations
✈️ Jury for competitions
✈️ Travel Writing Awards
✈️ Author of a Travel Book published in 2012. Co-author of 2 more
✈️ Founder of first large travelers network in Turkey (since 2008)
✈️ Owner of 3 registered travel brands
✈️ Translator / interpreter in 3 languages
✈️ Travel influencer (100K followers)


👨‍💻 3 years as product engineer in Automotive
👨‍💻 Graduate of top ranked schools
👨‍💻 Superior adaptation, problem-solving, risk management, team-work skills
👨‍💻 Project management in multinational platforms
👨‍💻 Qualified in product design, process development, FMEA, 6 Sigma green belt, lean systems


What is your favorite travel destination?

Patagonia, The Amazons, Zanzibar, Maldives, Thailand

Where do you dream of traveling to?


What was your first travel job?

Writing articles for magazines

What do you want to learn more about?

Local food, local cultures

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Be curious, explore, experience