Bianca Graulau is a Puerto Rican journalist who has written extensively ( on marginalised communities and the environment with a focus on the Americas. This video (by and of her) looks at the impact of tourism in Oaxaca Mexico, and is a really deft piece of work highlighting the challenges writers can face reporting comprehensively on some of the issues around tourism.
While I can’t speak to the situation specific to Oaxaca, though take my word for it they’re a big deal in Southeast Asia lol, but these challenges are global, and sometimes I don’t think general readers really understand just how much self-censorship is required by the writer to avoid issues such as harassment, arrest, and deportation—even when writing about a supposed soft issue like tourism.
Anyways, if you have an interest in this kinda thing, it is definitely worth the 20 minutes of your time you’ll need to watch it.
The CEO of, Matt Mullenweg, announced they have banned WP Engine (a commercial Wordpress host) from accessing its resources.
If your blog is hosted on WP Engine ( then you're probably affected by this. In short, has blocked WP Engine's customers to install themes and update plugins that are hosted on, including security updates.
It looks like this news impacts over 180k blogs hosted on WP Engine 🤯
If you host your own blog elsewhere (e.g. on your own server), you're probably ok!
More commentary over at TechCrunch:
This is highly problematic news.
Sadly this is a bit of a pattern, although usually found in the likes of the "deeper" infrastructure in cloud computing - databases such as MongoDB, Elastic(Search) and more recently Redis - the original team leading the open source development find that they're effectively subsidising other commercial teams who can market and scale independently and need to take measures (sometimes at launch, sometimes down the road) to protect the core project.
Over 400 Travel Massive members are hosted on WP Engine! 😬
This is awful! Thankfully, my blog is not affected but I can't imagine dealing with this right after the latest core update from Google 😩
What was the rationale?
Basically, WP Engine not contributing to WordPress, and some egos.
A few more links to keep updated:
Latest in WordPress war: Automattic says it wanted 8% cut of WP Engine revenue
Response to WP Engine’s Meritless Lawsuit
Thank you for sharing these. Troubling :(
I had the priviliege of being hosted by WP Engine in Austin a few years ago.
I found them a really amazing company.
Open, transparent, helpful, pay-it-forward attitude etc. Their staff were super motivated, intelligent and clearly loving their jobs. Their offices had the usual range of good security to enter but once authorised it was open to us, including 24x7 beer and wine taps!
Disregardling egos at present it appears the current issue is all about the ongoing clash of open source vs commerical licensing. I hope they sort out their issues quickly for everyone.