· 10 months ago

Mitrip Personalised day-to-day trip itineraries powered by AI

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Mitrip helps travellers save hours of planning research by generating tailor-made day-to-day itineraries. Simply enter your travel details and your activity preferences, and get an optimised day-to-day travel itinerary personalised to your interests.

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Founder, Mitrip

Hi everyone!

Amine here, founder of Mitrip 👋

Passionate about travel and technology, I spent weeks of travel planning research for a trip with my partner in the Philippines, and I felt overwhelmed with so much information available, such as blogs, travel websites, friends' recommendations. On top of that, most of it did not match what I was looking for.

Why is it so hard to get the perfect trip? What if every traveller could make the most out of their trips with complete peace of mind, and live a truly memorable experience? That’s when I knew I wanted to create a product to address this.

Our vision with Mitrip is to design unforgettable and tailor-made journeys. Starting with a focus on generating custom day-to-day itineraries of places to visit, we’re on our way to build the ultimate travel companion for every traveller.

To test out our product 👉 www.mitrip.live

I would love to hear your feedback to improve this product and tailor it to your needs :-). Also, happy to answer any questions you may have!

Thank you all 🙌

11 months ago
Founder, Wandr

Hey Amine,

Congratulations on launching Mitrip!

My advice would be to try to understand the process people go through when planning a trip and see if your product actually makes this process better. Would you actually use your own product to plan your trip to the Philippines? Would you rely on it exclusively? There are reasons why you are going through different websites and blogs and there are hundreds of decisions, iterations, comparisons being made within a set of constraints (time, budget, etc.) that led to your itinerary for your trip to the Philippines. Most travellers enjoy the trip planning process and don't necessarily want it to be faster.

Hundreds of startups died trying to make the perfect trip planner and AI just created a new wave of them. You can be sure an AI trip planner is being created every single day (I see a new one being announced every day on LinkedIn). I think it's important for you to answer the following questions:

- What makes you different? What is your unique value proposition?
- What is your business model?
- User acquisition is extremely hard in that space, how are you planning to crack that?

Below some old articles (that are still true now) and recent LinkedIn posts:

- medium.com/the-vanguard/the-case-for-travel-planning-startups-and-why-you-should-never-ever-start-one-15c13119e15f
- paansm.medium.com/the-top-5-reasons-your-travel-startup-will-fail-e60c53e70ea8

LinkedIn posts
- www.linkedin.com/posts/douglasquinby_theres-a-very-simple-reason-why-trip-planning-activity-7186123071827705857-_tWQ/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
- www.linkedin.com/posts/stuart-mcdonald-734166196_couchfish-a-line-on-a-map-activity-7185285649535524865-EOga/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
- www.linkedin.com/posts/rafatali_i-am-sorry-to-break-so-many-hearts-but-there-activity-7178736663781597185-XQHq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop

The best AI trip planning app so far is Mindtrip (mindtrip.ai), they have a seriously strong team and few millions in the bank. Google is soon going to be able to do what you are actually doing with Gemini and they have Google Maps and all kinds of integrations which means you have to be better in some ways to stand out.

Don't think I'm trying to deter you from working on this, I just want to make sure you understand the challenges hundreds of entrepreneurs faced when trying to solve the trip planning problem.

Good luck on the journey!

10 months ago
Founder, Mitrip

Hi Benoit,

Thanks a lot for your valuable feedback! Totally agree with your points, trip planner apps are getting more and more mainstream ream, and I don't think anyone has cracked it yet.

All your comments are highly relevant and I am progressively working into getting into something unique. At this stage, after testing several trip planner apps (including Mindtrip), I am surprised to see - at best - incoherent itineraries (for example going to the north of a region, then the south during the same day, and going back to the north at the end of the day or the next day, or spending just one day in key areas to visit) and - at worst -hallucinations (places that do not exist). My assumption is they still rely too much on LLMs which - while they could get much better in the near future - usually generate itineraries that require a lot of rework, or that are simply unusable. Mitrip leverages less on LLMs and provides optimised and personalised itineraries, with 100% of real places to visit, enabling travellers to get reliable itineraries they can follow with peace of mind.

There's still a lot of work to do, and I hope to address all your points and many more!

5 days later


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Mitrip was posted by Amine in Website , Planning , Travel Tech , Itinerary , AI , Startup . Featured on Apr 16, 2024 (10 months ago). Mitrip is not rated yet.