How do you quantify the value derived from exchanging unsold travel & tourism inventory for media exposure?
The concept of converting unsold inventory into marketing assets is equally relevant when applied to hosting travel writers (or any media specialist, for that matter).
Unsold bed-nights or packaged tour itinerary tickets, empty seats in restaurants, on tour coaches, and on airlines are very much like perishable products in the FMCG sector – if they're not sold by the due date, they’re gone forever.
Historical data, however, should provide an indication of average unsold inventory. In the accommodation sector, for example, global average occupancy rates for hotels can range anywhere between 60% to 80%. In South Africa, the occupancy rate of hotels and similar establishments in 2021 amounted to just 23%. (Statista, Nov 8, 2022).
In financial terms, this means that hospitality establishments are losing between 20% to 80% of their inventory. Inventory that could easily be con...
Here's a really interesting project I discovered called "Paper Website" that allows you to take photos from your written journal and automatically turn it into a blog.
This project is not for everyone, but I feel it's a refreshing take on UX design and provides a unique way for people to create content offline. Just curl up with your journal by the pool, beach or mountain and write!
The app has more features planned including cursive handwriting and detecting partial content (you have to write line-by-line for now). So there's still a few improvements to be made.
👉 A travel blog published using Paper Website:
This is pretty sweet. I love writing and getting away from my laptop, but then I always think "oh man, I need to get this onto OneNote" etc.
My thoughts flow better off a pen than onto the keyboard, where I tend to procrastinate too much about what I write.
I think this has all sorts of uitlities even outside of blogging. Great project! 👏
I agree, pen and paper puts you in a moment free of distraction. It's akin to typing on a keyboard with no delete key, so I find writing has more planning and thoughtfulness involved.
I love solutions that bridge analog and digital, some call it reverse publishing - this is such a cool idea!
This is a great tool. Does it scan images too?