Hi, my name is Benoit and I'm passionate about how technology can disrupt the travel industry and ultimately lead to a better end-user experience.
I have been conducting numerous interviews over the past few weeks to gain insights into the way people curate, organize and share travel content, with the final objective of identifying opportunities to innovate in this space.
I intend to share my preliminary findings across a series of discussions on Travel Massive to engage with the community.
The first topic relates to the main information channels used by travellers to discover a specific destination and learn about where to go and what to do. Below a summary from the interviews:
- Friends / Family: For 67% of interviewees, friends and family’s word-of-mouth play a significant role in picking the next destination and 42% rely on their recommendations to know what to do on the ground.
- Social Media: 75% of interviewees mention social media, and specifically Instagram, as as key ...
We have seen a lot of new members in our chapter (Toronto) and learning should never stop no matter how long you've been in the industry!
Wrapping up 2024 I would love to know what are the top 3 things you've learned this year as a travel professional?
Let’s learn from each other!
I'll share mine as well, they are a bit more personal, things I've learned, or reaffirmed, as a creator:
1. Networking will never stop being important. Sometimes the event might not be the most conveniently located or you’re simply not in the mood to go but chances are you’ll meet at least one interesting person, or if lucky, an editor of that magazine you’ve been trying to break into.
2. Your worth is real and it should be in dollars. This has been a hot topic in my circle and online I’ve noticed. It’s time for the cycle of free labour to stop because brands, especially those large brands who just want to “repost your photo” (and use it in their marketing) have marketing budgets. Sometimes a trade might be worth it for other reasons but getting paid for your work, for our work, should become the norm – speaking specifically from a photographer's perspective here acknowledging that the world of journalism works a bit differently.
3. It’s ok to not follow the trends. There is so much noise out there, tips and tricks, and best practices that you might feel pressured to follow with the promises of better engagement but that engagement is not a guarantee, and chasing the trends can be just so exhausting. I’d like to think that my audience is here because they care about my opinion so I try to focus on making things I care about, which also tends to be easier forcing my creativity into cookie-cutter trends.
Great topic!
Here's the top 3 things I've learned about this year.
1. Get involved in Accessible Travel
I attended my first accessible travel conference this year (AITCAP in Queensland hosted by GetAboutable) and learned so much about this part of travel — hearing from and meeting travellers with disabilities was fascinating and there's so much innovation that can happen in this space if the industry can work together. I've also been experiencing accessible travel first-hand this year assisting my mother who needs wheelchair access for onboarding/deplaning at the airport, and finding accessible hotels and activities for her. I've also been learned a lot more about how blind people access the Travel Massive website and built some new features to improve accessibility.
2. Go visit Central Asia
I took my first visit to Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan) to visit @leonid-pustov and this place is amazing! There's a thriving tourism startup ecosystem happening in this region of the world and it's NOT in English. This is a place I need to come back to and learn more about!
3. Keep on programming
As always, I keep learning new things developing the Travel Massive website. This year I've put a lot of effort into performance and figuring out ways to make the site faster (if you're reading this, I hope the page loaded quickly!). I've also enjoyed meeting some fellow developers here on Travel Massive and learning how they are coding their apps and websites. The web never stops evolving and every year there's new things to learn!
Hi Ian. I accompanied my mother-in-law on a trip to Texas this fall and ordered her a wheelchair for the airport. We went to the beginning of the long lines which was great. I am also very interested in accessible travel. Are there markets for writing about this?
I don't code but what I can confirm @Ian is that this portal belongs to my Top 3 of the best programmed, smoothest, fastest, easiest to access, look around and FIND stuff ones. 🙌
Hi Merle, I don't know the markets for accessible travel writing - perhaps connect with @marjorieturnerhollman who has written about this.
Hi @Ian are you planning any disccussion about Accessible Travel? I would love to learn more about it. So far I've been traveling with disable kids from Poland to Greece & Spain and thoe voyages will stay long in my heart.
Hi Tomasz, I’d recommend to follow our #accessible-travel topic to keep up to date with projects in this space.
Thanks for this question Kateryna.
I reentered the travel writing sphere in 2023, after a ten-year absence, to find that you have to have a website and an online presence to be successful. In 2013, this wasn’t essential.
Passion - After retirement last year, I have paid attention to what I am drawn to as a writer/content creator. Rather than trying to cover off a number of niche areas, I am sticking to positive aging (what keeps people positive as they age?)/travel for older people/food and wine.
Technology - I’ve learned a lot this year from how to create a website/blog (Superbubbie.ca launched September 4, 2023), to finding markets to sell my work, to finding an audience. There are some great free courses on the Toronto Public Library website under Gale Courses. I’ve taken five courses. It is slow, but steady - kind of like me. I think I’m past the ‘I am too old to do this’ thing. I’ve learned to create videos (still needs work) and improve my photos.
Content - I’m reaquainting myself with wine knowledge and worked at the LCBO. I am particularly interested in people behind wine - winemakers - and what makes them tick. I love interviewing people, and using cool quotes to spice up stories.
For 2024: There are so many things I want to do.
Learn to make improved videos
Build my audience through public speaking, offering armchair travel talks.
Interviewing active older people who are doing cool things.
1. In person gatherings matter: Zoom calls are effective once you already have a relationship established. Human connections will still prevail.
2. Don't always try to innovate: first copy and adjust based on your needs. Try simple ways first, then when you scale, slowly introduce innovations.
3. People love nature and peace: more and more people are looking to retreat and recharge in the nature.
As a Travel Agent, I'd have to say my top 3 are:
1) There is no such thing as relying on a "last minute deal" anymore
2) The cruising industry took a huge hit a few years ago but it is BACK and in STRONG demand. I actually went on my first cruise at the end of 2022 and have since been on 2 more! After years of never getting "it" or wanting to "be struck on a boat with a bunch of random strangers" I finally understand how and why there is a whole industry around this type of travel. River cruising is up next!
3) Having online presence (blog, social media, etc) is the best way to compliment any travel business. People want to hear and read about YOUR stories as a travel professional.
Can I sneak in a #4? Education - there is so much to learn and there are so many resources. Whether on destinations, experiences, suppliers, etc...I'd say my 2024 will be the year I gain more certificates and become an expert in areas that both excite me personally and benefit my clients.
1. Just start
Do things, instead of thinking them. If it's the right time and offer, the world will see it.
2. Make connections, not businesses
Businesses are made of the connections between the people. A different way of building value is possible. Money will follow.
3. Do things your own way
Have a clear compass and stance on how you want to do things. Set the path, even if it's a dead end, you'd learn something no other trailblazer did.
1. Sustainable tourism is more important than ever.
2. We need to prioritise learning otherwise we become obsolete.
3. Networking matters.
1. Never turn down a travel destination. Every place will show you something new and will provide great content.
2. always talk to the locals where ever you are they will tell you the truth of the country you are in.
3. stay open-minded to new things.