If you’d like to take over this group and arrange in-person meetups to connect travel professionals (e.g. networking drinks, workshops, etc), see our event guide and let us know why you’d make a great leader.
Warszawa jest jednym z najbardziej wpływowych miast Wschodniej Europy. Ekonomiczne, polityczne i kulturalne centrum Polski. Miasto pełne kontrastów i niespodzianek. Miejsce gdzie niedługo narodzi się nowy rozdział Travel Massive.
Warsaw is one of the most influential capitals of Eastern Europe. Economic, political, and cultural centre of Poland.
Anyone here? :)
Hi Anna - Ian suggested we connect. I am in Warsaw for a few days training (I am a para-athlete and working with Polish national parafencing team and coaches). I would love to connect with you.
Hi Stephenie, nice to meet you. How long are you staying in Warsaw? You can add me on Facebook and we can chat through Messenger: www.facebook.com/ainasurfs
Hi All; I am currently visiting Warsaw and would love to connect with other members of this community.