"A winner is a dreamer who never gives up." Nelson Mandela
π· One shot in the NatGeo, now lets go for another.
π¦ Founder of @gothombi
I'm running a safari travel agency really focused on crafting special trips, showing why we need to protect the environment; and I love reading and connecting with other likeminded people
That's beautiful! Following you guys! We might work one day with you π₯ as we are quite aligned (conservation through tourism and safaris with locals and specialized safaris!). I'm going to read your post soon!!!
Beautiful!!! This guys now what they are doing. You are going to be Massive! (Do I get a sticker for this slogan related to the website? haha)
Gorgeous app!!! I've been an ambassador for AITA for years, sharing the love for the app and trips to a lot of people, and when they closed down I had to find a new "home". byAir is, definitely, that place. Sure, the app still needs work to be done, but... show more
Sad seeing one of the biggest, and one of the first of this kind shutting down... they paved the road, and now, others have to follow what they started.
App in the Air is shutting down, who can save it? 5 months ago