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Copywriter / Social Media Manager / UGCC: Travel, Freelance
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Member for 1 Year
Joined January 2024
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United Kingdom
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About me

I'm Eleanor - a freelance copywriter and social media consultant helping travel, lifestyle and sport brands craft clever content and content.

🌎 My favourite destination is, and always will be, Ibiza
🏝️ I'm on a mission to explore more of Central America and the Caribbean
💭 Eager to improve my Spanish, become a tequila connoisseur and blog about the world's best boutique hotels

Why did you join the community?

To connect with professionals in the travel space and keep up-to-date with industry news with the hope of blossoming a new collaboration or two!

What is your favorite travel destination?

Ibiza, Spain! Or Isla Holbox, Mexico

Where do you dream of traveling to?

I am desperate to travel around Cuba, see more of Mexico's Pacific coast and visit Colombia!

What was your first travel job?

I started blogging (unpaid!) for a small travel/lifestyle online magazine whilst I was studying for my degree

What do you want to learn more about?

- What makes a great travel marketing campaign?
- What do travel founders crave from us copywriters and marketers?
- How is the world of remote work supporting the travel industry?
- How can we make the travel industry a more creative, collaborative and inclusive space?

Three words that describe why we should travel?

1) Broaden
2) Your
3) Horizons