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Rachel Heller
travel blogger, Rachel's Ruminations
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Member for 2 Years
Joined November 2022
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2 events
Groningen, the Netherlands
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About me

I am a GenX/boomer writer and blogger, born and raised in the US and educated at Yale. Based in the Netherlands, I have Dutch citizenship, but write in English, my mother tongue. I left my career in teaching and teacher-training in 2019 to focus on travel and travel-blogging fulltime. My first love is history, so I'm particularly drawn to historical sites.

Rachel's Ruminations is a well-established travel blog focusing mostly on independent travel to historical and cultural sights/sites. Each article offers my honest personal perspective as well as useful information. The blog covers many locations, plus occasional travel advice articles and advice about expat life.

I've begun a new website as well, focused exclusively on tourism to UNESCO World Heritage sites. Many of my fellow travel bloggers have contributed to it. My goal is that eventually it will contain information about tourism to every one of the 1154 UNESCO sites worldwide.
