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Eugenio De Gregorio
Founder, TravaPowa
Member for 1 Year
Joined April 2023
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3 events
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About me

You know that feeling of wanting to update your travel practices but not finding the right (and credible) responsible alternatives?
Well, we are looking for fellow travellers to find a solution to this problem and continue to discover this damn beautiful world without destroying it.

TravaPowa (from FlowaPowa -> Flower Power -> 60's hippies... you got it, right?) is a European project in the making that aims to unite all initiatives that promote travel practices with a positive impact both for travellers and destinations.

It is a open source, participated project aiming first of all to take the debate beyond simplistic considerations of eco-sustainability and wanderlust.

Why do we travel? How we should travel in the future? What is positive impact? How to calculate it?
We wait for you to join the brainstorming

Why did you join the community?

I'm gathering a community of impact trailblazers for a better travel sector


  • Congratulations on the idea, it is refreshing to hear about these new approaches. I would be curious to know more about the projects you plan to support. Good luck!

  • Hi Prague community, in the end our meet-up will be this Friday (27), as you may have seen from the invitation to the event 'World Tourism Day: Leading and Dealing for a Sustainable Tourism in Prague'. We thought this day and this topic were the righ... show more

  • New website online soon 🙌 Waiting for that I'll write you some info on the side

  • Hi Tereza, I’ve been in contact with Ela. I’d love to have a chat with you too. Let’s find a moment to catch up in the coming days!

  • Hey Travel Massive community, I'd love to reconnect with Prague's tourist scene. Are there any meetups planned? I was thinking something for September. If anyone's keen, get in touch so we can plan it out right. Cheers, Eugenio