I have a passion for travel and a talent for Marketing. I always start with WHY?
Hi, Im Gwen! Im a South African from JHB living in the UK I am Marketing Manager at Virtually Visiting and run a Marketing and Advertising company with many clients in the Travel sector. I am keen to learn more about travel that empowers locals! Virtual... show more
Introduce yourself to the community 3 years ago
Hi, my name is Gwen and I am a co-founder of Virtually Visiting. We have created a Virtual Travel platform where we host professionally guided tours filmed using 360 cameras. The idea is to create a platform where Tour Guides can sell their virtual tou... show more
Virtually Visiting 3 years ago
The more important question is how does the Travel Industry maintain some part of this before tech takes over? We have been working on a solution, Virtually Visiting. We are using tech, but focusing on people first. People being the Tour Guides and the ... show more
Will the Oculus Quest change how we travel? 3 years ago