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Ivy Carruth
Freelance Travel and Copywriter, Freelance
Joined 4 months ago
Member since November 2024
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About me

I’m a freelance travel and copywriter originally from the US, and based in Sydney for the last 13 years.
I write about more well-trodden destinations in a completely new voice, and about the unknown and undervalued destinations in a way that compels people to add them to their wishlist. My brand is cultural, upscale, witty, sharp and humourous whenever I can fit it in appropriately. Think professional but certainly not stuffy.

My expertise is in Australia and the US - especially the southern states, child-free travel, luxury and in writing in a style quite different than anyone else’s.

My byline appears in The Guardian, Escape, International and Australian Traveller, delicious., TripAdvisor, Vacations & Travel, Explore, the New Zealand Herald, Stuff and many more.

I wordsmith for Virgin Australia, the South Australian Tourism Commission, Blackmores, Stockland, Kleenex, Nine, Korda Mentha, Scenic plus plus.

Why did you join the community?

I’m always on the hunt for great networking and trading support with colleagues.