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Jo Aigner
MICE & Event Spezialist, Tour Director for high profile guests
Member for 7 Years
Joined February 2018
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About me

My latest travel project was a multimedia story told for "Der Spiegel" about the waste issue at the Maldives. Click the link below.

Although the world is currently kept hostage by the coronavirus, there are still other important issues we shouldn’t forget. This virus gives us a chance to consider what’s gone wrong over the last decades, and figure out how to emerge from isolation as better people than we were before. Together with my close friend Martin Zinggl, I’ve recently completed one of the coolest and most important projects in my life – a multimedia report about waste pollution in the Maldives, now published by ‘Der Spiegel’. I hope you’ll enjoy it and share the link with others. And I hope you’ll take it as a reminder to not miss the chance to change behavior, but to start now.

Das Abfallproblem der Malediven: Die Müllinsel

Why did you join the community?

Connecting with peers from the industry

What is your favorite travel destination?

New Zealand & Nepal

Where do you dream of traveling to?


What was your first travel job?

Tour guide in Australia

What do you want to learn more about?

Sustainable Travel

Three words that describe why we should travel?

New Experience, mind opening, to become more tolerant