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Krista Fabian
Founder and Principal Travel Planner, Fortuna Redux Travel Exp.
Joined 11 months ago
Member since April 2024
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About me

I'm a family travel planner, travel coach in training, founder of Fortuna Redux Travel Experiences, arts administrator, ESL teacher, mother, and seeker of everyday beauty. I’ve planned my own independent travel to 44 countries, first as a solo traveler, then with my husband, then with our children from when they were babies to now when the oldest is 18. I’ve also lived for short stays in Ghana, Hungary, and Singapore. In between my travels, I had a career in arts administration, where I worked with performing artists from all over the world. My favorite countries are Brazil, Greece, Laos, and Senegal. My favorite food is Turkish/Lebanese meze. My favorite things to do are to swim off the rocks in the Adriatic or Aegean Seas, and to help other families have equally amazing travel experiences. When I'm not traveling you'll find me on the beaches of Lake Michigan near Chicago.

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to connect, learn and share with others
