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Ksenia Klimova
Member for 4 Years
Joined January 2021
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About me

Born in Russia, I've been living for 6 years in Tuscany, Italy. Here I worked in hotels in Florence for more than 3 years, while I was getting my master. Graduated just during the lockdown, I was about to start an internship in Toscana Promozione which is on hold now. So I am open to new opportunities and available for temporary collaboration.

I am passionate about sustainability practice and innovation for tourism and destinations. At the moment I collaborate with the Sardinia destination manager as a project assistant and develop my own project on best innovative and sustainable practices -The AfterTravel. The aim is to promote the role of communication, creativity and innovative approach to improve sustainability of destinations and business.

My another passion & skill is communication, especially strategy and visuals.

My other work experience counts 2 happy years of Project Management and Promotion of international volunteer workcamps from Russia, experiences in copywriting, graphic design and communication for public and private companies.

I am currently a mentee in the mentorship program of European Cities Marketing.

Why did you join the community?

I wish to connect and work together

What is your favorite travel destination?

Tromso, Norway

Where do you dream of traveling to?

Bali, Lofoten, Svalbard, Färöer

What was your first travel job?

volunteer workcamps coordinator

What do you want to learn more about?

sustainability, destination management, destination marketing

Three words that describe why we should travel?

experience, culture, peace

