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Luigi Galli
founder, The Experiences Network Ltd.
⭐️ Community Leader
Member for 10 Years
Joined February 2015
Verified member
46 events
Varenna, Italy
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About me

Well, is always difficult to describe oneself in few line. Anyway I'm from Milan, but currently I'm living in the lake of Como, after a long time passed abroad (I am a marine biologist), Now I'm back with my daughter born in Colombia.
I've started my activity in the tourism sector renting apartments to guests attracted by the beauty of the lake, with a largely international clientele.
Now I'm starting an new enterprise with a company based in Ireland, with the aim to offer accommodations and activities worldwide, centered on the human interaction, for a true local experience.
I'm a firm believer on the shared economy; most of the booking come from Airbnb, where I am rated as superguest.

What is your favorite travel destination?

As a sea lover, I'm attracted by any destination that offer beautiful beaches, amazing seabeds for scubadiving , wild nature and possibly good winds for sailing!

Where do you dream of traveling to?

I really would like to go to Australia, the only continent that I have still to visit

What was your first travel job?

The present one, but I've been involved in a touristic project with indigenous communities while in Colombia

What do you want to learn more about?

I know so little that pretty much everything has to be still learnt

Three words that describe why we should travel?

Openmindness, friendship, culture


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  • Italian: native English: fluent Spanish: fluent French: just for survival!
