Member for 10 Years
Joined March 2015
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4 events
San Diego CA
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Tweets from TBEX


  • Ian is right on the money here with several points imo. First of all the only things you really own in the digital world are your website / blog and your email list. You do not own TikTok, Twitter, Instagram etc. Those rules can change at any moment a... show more

  • A little late to this thread but check out a start up that lets you build your own interactive maps.

  • Hi Erin, TBEX is run by creators and professional event organizers. All of our Conference Directors are long time successful travel creators. They attended, and spoke at TBEX before we asked them to join the team. As someone who has run tradeshows a... show more

  • Thank you for a great summary of what to expect at TBEX Chris. I wanted to add to something you said about "local one time clueless sponsors". This is definitely true. There are new brands at every TBEX who really have no idea why they are there. They... show more

  • I am sorry to hear you don't find the value in TBEX Robson. I would love to change your mind. I am curious about two things. Why do you think we put the show on for the sponsors vs. the creators? It is exactly the opposite. TBEX was founded by creato... show more
