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Taige Zhang
Co-founder, Fairytrail
Member for 6 Years
Joined August 2018
Verified member
3 events
Palo Alto, California
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About me

I'm Taige from San Francisco and a digital nomad. I made Fairytrail, a free app for remote workers to connect with real people for friendship, love, and adventures. Over 46,000 verified members have joined our community.

Feel free to connect with me on IG: taigeair

Why did you join the community?

Connect with like-minded people

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?


What was your first travel job?

Tour guide

What do you want to learn more about?


Three words that describe why we should travel?

love, awe, sea


  • I have a friends and dating app for digital nomads. Lemme know if I can help

  • Congrats on the launch! Would you like to collaborate? We're a dating and friends app with 50k digital nomad users. My email is

  • Great idea! Will try it out

    Profile picture

    Fly Match 11 months ago

  • Thanks for inviting me to post! We got quite a lot of users from Facebook groups. We're pretty evenly split in terms of gender and have ages from 18 to 70+, the biggest cohort ages 26-35. Not sure I'm in a position to give tips yet, but would you lik... show more

    Profile picture

    Fairytrail 2 years ago

  • Hi folks, I'm working on a travel matching app called Fairytrail that helps people find new adventures, friends, and even a life partner. It's my passion project and my day job is product management at a tech company. My goal is to help people explore... show more

    Profile picture

    Fairytrail 2 years ago