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Tys Sniffen
Founder, Bag Designer, Idea Mountain
Member for 4 Years
Joined February 2021
Verified member
5 events
Boulder Creek
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About me

I love smart traveling so much I invented a new kind of bag system to help expert minimalist travelers go in style, around the world and around town. Living off the grid in the mountains and running a small start up.

Why did you join the community?

I love travel and travel gear, and talking to well-traveled people

What is your favorite travel destination?

everywhere there's great culture and food, usually also where I already have friends. Italy, Vietnam, Spain, Netherlands.

Where do you dream of traveling to?

places where I can do 'human powered' or 'old school' daily moving (walk, bike, sail) while enjoying great culture at the same time. Pilgrim walks, canal trips, river floats, sailing adventures, Bike routes.

What was your first travel job?

owning a luggage company!

What do you want to learn more about?

how to meet people who can help me succeed at my mission to get more people traveling light with great gear.

Three words that describe why we should travel?

to fight bigotry, expand your mind, make friends, break down borders, and enjoy the romance of the world.


  • So, here I am again, asking about a meet up for Silicon Valley, rather than just San Francisco. Does anyone have a *corporate* connection that we could do something with? An office location that would be an easy way to plug in a networking event at yo... show more

  • great question. My attempt at answering this complex, never-ending question would be to *define what it means* to travel sustainably. what does it look like? what decisions are weighed to make a travel moment a sustainable one vs ..unsustainable. is... show more

  • Anyone in this group want to help organize some bigger events, possibly coordinating with SF, to have maybe 4 events a year in the Bay Area? It'd be cool to bring the many types of travel industry people together. Why else are we here?

  • super cool! all the best good luck to you and your venture. I'd love to hear more about how you decided WHAT sort of adventures you'd offer.

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    Pletoura 1 year ago

  • This is a great thing to think about, for both one's consciousness of travel, but also how you live life every day. One quick thought is how it feels like social media has made 'getting the shot'/'hitting the list' what travel has become about, rat... show more