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Zakia Moulaoui Guery
CEO, Invisible Cities CIC
🤘 Rockstar
Member for 4 Years
Joined July 2020
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3 events
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About me

I am the founder of Invisible Cities, a social enterprise that trains people who have experienced homelessness to become walking tour guides of their own city. We offer tours in Edinburgh (where I am based) Glasgow, Manchester and York.

Why did you join the community?

Network and sharing with other members

What is your favorite travel destination?


Where do you dream of traveling to?


What was your first travel job?

Event Manager

What do you want to learn more about?

tips, best practices

Three words that describe why we should travel?

To meet other people!


  • Hello everyone- I am Zakia, the founder of Invisible Cities! So lovely to be featured here. Cant wait to connect with everyone here!

    Profile picture

    Invisible Cities 3 years ago
